by Jessica Brooks, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
One of the great things about Big Fish Club is the opportunity for the children to learn how to serve others. Volunteers come to serve and love on these children, so Big Fish children experience first-hand what it is to be served by our loving volunteers.
These beautiful sisters pictured to the left, NeVaeh and Na’Ryah, have been coming to Big Fish Club for four years. Every week, they run to volunteer’s cars to help carry supplies to the picnic tables. Na’Ryah loves to help serve the food at dinnertime to all her friends, and you can always hear NeVaeh asking, “Can I help?” They might drop things or make it take longer, but seeing their servant’s hearts in action is worth every extra second! We are so very blessed as we have the opportunity to love our neighbors and so glorify our gracious Lord!
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