The campers are coming!! Imagine 100 volunteers bursting with excitement screaming and cheering as the bus slowly rolls up to camp. A human tunnel forms and campers come pouring out with hesitant and excited smiles. They run through the human tunnel receiving an over abundance of high-fives and cheers. Camp Nikos has started!
The first day of camp, the children are bombarded with kindness, joy, and love. Everyone is so excited, so hyped up, that they cannot wait another minute! Among the children is a new camper named Elijah. This is his very first experience at Camp Nikos. He and his counselor begin to walk through the day together enjoying activities like swimming and group games. In the evening they began to learn about Jesus, and begins to process why we call the Gospel the Good News.

Thanks to a generous donation by Austin Christian Fellowship, every camper received a backpack full of goodies including a new Adventure Bible! Elijah was so excited to get a new Bible! His counselor began to share the Gospel with Elijah, and came and told me that Elijah wanted to accept Jesus in his heart! I started to ask Elijah questions asking if he understood what that means. After explaining the Gospel, Elijah was so excited to follow Jesus! I asked Elijah to pray whatever was on his heart. Elijah prayed the following…
“Dear God, thank you for sending me to Camp Nikos! I know you wanted me here. Thank you for sending us all here, loving us, and creating us. I love you and I want you to be in my heart. Thank you for creating the world for us to have fun like at Camp Nikos, and even though you didn’t have fun (because you died), you came back to life and had fun. Please help me follow you and thank you for everyone at Camp Nikos. Amen”
Choked up, I was in awe of the genuine heart-felt prayer from Elijah. God is good! His entire cabin began to celebrate this raw moment together. Day one at camp and we are already seeing God move mountains. Thank you for helping make our mission possible! Join us in prayer as we continue Camp Nikos and our other camps this year!
Written by Jon Rector
Associate Executive Director
Mission Possible Austin.
Our next camp is Youth Leadership Camp June 27th-30th
It’s not to late to sponsor a child for camp! Give now to continue impacting kid’s lives like Elijah