Dear Ministry Partners,
As we have reflected over this past year of ministry, we began asking the Lord to make clear and bring Mission Possible’s vision and mission into closer alignment with all the work we have seen God do historically, what He currently is doing, and what we boldly pray He will do here in East Austin. We believe this updated mission and vision represents what God has clearly placed on our hearts moving forward.
Our Vision: A community where the Kingdom of God is evident
Our Mission: Creating a Christ-centered culture that advances the Kingdom of God to see lives and families transformed
We envision a Christ-centered community that is built on God’s Word and Gospel promise where love, compassion, and justice prevail, reflecting the loving kindness or “Hesed” character of God. Through the power of the Gospel, our faithful witness, and obedience to the Lord, our goal and prayer is to see lasting heart transformation that saturates this community from the inside out.
We pray that our mission is a way of life, starting with our own hearts having been transformed by the same Gospel we proclaim. As we join together in laboring alongside one another, this Christ-centered culture would then overflow into the community around us as God faithfully continues to call people to Himself and advances His Kingdom here in East Austin. We believe this mission is only possible through a collective effort of the body of Christ coming together with one heart exemplifying justice, mercy, and humility as found in Micah 6:8.
Within our different ministries, we strive to have a unified desire to actively show the love and character of Christ as we address both physical and spiritual needs, share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and empower individuals to live their lives to the glory of God our Father. Whether we are helping a mom through her pregnancy, loving children and families through our programs and camps, or caring for a friend experiencing homelessness, we pray this year would leave us amazed as we see lives impacted in a powerful and transformative way that only God could do. We are excited for how this updated mission and vision will continue to shape all of our current ministries in the years to come. We will be highlighting each program in more detail through email updates this spring.
We are grateful for your continued partnership and are excited about the future ahead. As we walk in our identities as ambassadors of Christ and strive to be a living example of God’s work through the collaboration with the community of believers in our city and beyond, we ask that you would join us in prayer to continue leaning on His understanding and not our own as we live out this mission.
Tim Pinson Sr.
Executive Director