1 Peter 1:3-5 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

Passion Week is a time that we can reflect, pray, and celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At Mission: Possible! Austin we are blessed with countless opportunities to share the hope of Christ with people hurting, hopeless, and stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty. Poverty alleviation is not the end goal; life transformation in Christ is! Holistic ministry seeks to shine the light of Christ in every aspect of our lives.

Big Fish Club exists to holistically minister to children and families in low-income apartment communities in East Austin. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Big Fish Club meets every Thursday night in five different apartment communities serving between 150-200 elementary kids a week! Each night they eat dinner, play games, learn Scripture, and learn a Bible lesson. They also have a team of volunteers actively living out the Gospel, teaching a Biblical worldview, and investing into the lives of the families.

Good and positive programs will have limited effectiveness as long as children return to the broken family environment. Mission Possible is a family of ministries that cares for people in the inner-city by connecting and equipping the Body of Christ to make relational investments through solutions-based programs. Through relationships formed, we provide a circle of care so that the “Hope of Christ” can be shared and lives can be transformed. Our focus is strategic yet adaptable to the ever-changing community we serve.

Thank you for your on-going support to see lives changed, communities impacted, and generations transformed. Resurrection Sunday is a powerful time to remember that we have a “living Hope” and we are called to have faith in action. Jesus did not only raise from the dead, but He calls His people to become fishers of men. Please give today to support Mission: Possible Austin. A donation of $13 a month, or $150 a year, will feed a child in our Big Fish Club program. A simple and easy way to invest in a life! The children from Big Fish Club are also the core group of children we minister to at Camp Nikos! Help us continue the ministry by giving today!

Give now to support Mission: Possible! Austin and Big Fish Club