In times of uncertainty, we can still cling to Christ. He is our living hope and refuge. We know we fight an enemy not of flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. We are excited to bring some GOOD NEWS in the middle of these chaotic times. We are actively listening to the city and state officials while trying to slowly re-open programs as safe as possible. We have been innovatively finding ways to serve those in need in central east Austin. See how we have done that here: Listed below are two exciting announcements for us!
Camp Nikos- Day Camp 2020
Camp Nikos and H-E-B Youth Camp have both been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have found a new way to reach the kids in potentially greater ways! We decided if the kids cannot come to camp, then we will bring camp to them! We will be launching a week long Nikos Day Camp at the local apartment complexes in central east Austin! We are still working on the logistics in this fluent environment, but we will definitely be hosting a day camp. The dates will be announced as soon as possible, but we are stepping out in faith to raise enough funds to host this camp!

There are estimated 2,100 children living in low-income apartments in our community, and we are praying this creates an opportunity to grow relationships with families. We are asking you to help sponsor 2 kids for camp for $375! We will save costs on lodging and transportation, but we estimate DOUBLE the number of children being served! Join us by sponsoring children for the new Nikos Day Camp!
Church Under the Bridge (CUB)

We are excited to announce that Church Under the Bridge is re-opening May 31st 2020! We have been actively driving under the I-35 bridge near 7th checking on the population. There are now bathrooms and handwashing stations attracting more homeless, and it has greatly increased tent camping downtown. We will be re-opening CUB to reach this population. We are starting with music and a message only. We will NOT be serving, or encouraging the serving, of food or coffee for the time being. We want to do what is best to protect some of the most vulnerable in our city.
Thank you for your ongoing financial support. Your partnership helps keep our mission possible!