Looking Back at 2019

Happy New Year! With humility and a grateful heart, we are excited to announce with your faithful giving, we met our 2019 budget! For the past 27 years, our ministry to the undeserved in our communities has resulted in seeing real life transformation. Mission Possible Austin serves through a transformational ministry process seeking to invest equally in the served, and the server, knowing that both lives are changed. Thank you for helping us continue this ministry impacting generations!

In 2019, Cindy and I were able to travel around the country visiting with previous staff and volunteers. We were in awe seeing the impact Mission Possible Austin has played in their lives and how it continues to empower them as they serve around the world. Mission Possible Austin seeks to be a catalyst duplicating our efforts, both locally and internationally, in serving the undeserved and breaking the cycle of poverty one life at a time. We will continue to pilot new programs that help break destructive cycles by equipping individuals from local churches to serve in under-served communities.

Siblings at Lifeline PRC

In 2019, the Lord has blessed the community with a full year of the Lifeline Pregnancy Resource Center (LPRC)! LPRC is open two days a week seeing up to 25 clients a day, and many of the women, children, families, and street population have started attending Eastside Community Church (ECC)! Mission Possible Austin is seeing a 25-year dream come true through the strategic partnership with ECC by seeing our participants become a part of a local family of believers.

Looking Forward to 2020

We are excited to see where God takes us in 2020! Our Hesed Homes continue to serve women and children in crises, and have successfully helped several women off the streets and into long-term housing! Mission Possible Austin is able to do this with the help of partners like ECC, RecoveryATX, and Trotter House! The need in central east Austin is still very large, as we have nearly 4,000 people, and 2,100 children in Section 8 housing within 1 mile of our building! Our children and youth programs continue to serve an average of 200 children a week! We continue to answer God’s call of obedience and service to others. We have seen our efforts and investments result in dividends beyond our expectations.  Children, that have participated in our programs, raised in third generation poverty, are now attending college or serving as spiritual leaders back into their own communities. 

Volunteers with ECC and MPA serving at a local apartment community

            Mission Possible Austin is funded exclusively through support-raised funding. We are a Christian nonprofit organization operating in faith. All of our services to the community are offered at no charge to the individual and we receive no government funds. Prayer, volunteerism, and funding from the Body of Christ is critical to the effectiveness and success of serving the inner-city community. Our staff is extremely small, yet we mobilize hundreds if not thousands that give back in tangible ways in our city. Many do not understand that in serving, the Lord is doing a work in their lives as well. Our work is limited only by a shortage of volunteers who are willing to become involved in life-on-life relationships and funding.

Your ongoing financial support in 2020 will help us:

  • Increase the amount of days Lifeline Pregnancy Resource Center is open to serve more women
  • Sponsor more women and children in crises in our Hesed Homes (Costs about $550 a month per client)
  • Grow our presence in the Section 8 apartment communities in central east Austin

Our Mission is made possible through the prayer and financial support of God’s people. We are thankful for folks like you! We are thankful for a great 2019, and we are looking forward to see God move in 2020!

Tim Pinson, Sr.

(512) 748-1468


Founder, and Executive Director

Mission Possible Austin