God always works in amazing ways at Camp Nikos. It is encouraging to see the counselors and campers get to know each other, one duo that stands out is Hazel and Kendall. Hazel was a returning counselor, but Kendall had never been to camp before. Not coming directly from one of our programs, we didn’t know her as well as other campers. We found out very soon that Kendall was extremely afraid of dogs. Every time she would see a dog walking around camp, she’d hide behind Hazel or have Hazel pick her up. It even got to where she didn’t want to go anywhere she was so scared. Hazel did an amazing job supporting Kendall through her fear even though nothing seemed to be helping. Since Kendall didn’t want to go anywhere; and was sticking so close to her counselor the entire time, this brought up plenty of time for the girls to talk.

Kendall started asking questions about God, “Who is God?,” “What happens when we die?,” “Will dogs be in heaven?”; since Kendall was so afraid. Hazel’s patient and loving spirit toward her camper made Kendall feel comfortable enough to ask these things and learn about God and Jesus. Hazel helped Kendall feel safe and she learned to trust in God when we are afraid. Moments like these greatly impact both the counselor and the camper.

Written by Jessica Post

Child & Family Director