This school year has been off to a great start within our Child & Family programs so far! From new faces to veteran students returning, it’s been so special to see the excitement and eagerness from our kids and youth for programs to begin again. Every year, we pray for our a continued desire from kids to want to come to our programs to build relationships, have fun, and most importantly get to know Jesus. We continue to be blown away by how many kids truly do want to learn about God.
Big Fish Club brings outside many elementary-aged kids that enjoy feeling known and cared for by our volunteers. These relationships lead way to Gospel-centered conversations where the kids get to hear about Jesus and how we’re invited to know Him personally.
FUZE has brought so many middle & high school students the past month! New youth continue to come each week, being invited by their friends and knowing that they will be learning about Jesus…how encouraging that they want to be a part of this! Currently our adult to student ratio is much higher than it needs to be, but praise God for all the youth He’s bringing in the doors to hear about Him!
This year has already shown us just how plentiful the harvest is. Our community is full of kids and teens that are trying to find their hope, joy, and peace from everything in this world that repeatedly fails them. In our programs, we get to tell these youth about our Lord who gives eternal hope, joy, and peace that never fails…and they want to learn more!

Middle school students helping clean our van we use weekly!