Alvino, or better known to his peers as “Bam-Bam”, has been a part of our youth programs for the past three years. Alvino is finishing up his junior year in high school this year, is a promising football player, talented athlete, and has the potential to play football in college. Alvino is more than just a talented athlete. Over the past few years, we have seen Alvino show great leadership skills on and off the field. Alvino started attending our FUZE program on Thursday nights for 12-18-year old’s. Alvino and his brother Nathan attend every FUZE, and continue to attend our Youth Leadership Camp.
Mission: Possible! Austin has repurposed two camps a year to focus on discipleship and leadership development. Every summer we go to the H.E. Butt Foundation for our summer youth leadership camp, and in the fall, we typically go to the beach. At these two camps we are able to take a smaller, hand-picked group of youth and mentors to spend time in God’s Word, do more in-depth leadership development, and spend time growing Christ-centered relationships. Through these camps, we are able to better gauge where are youth are spiritually, and equip and empower them to be Christian leaders in their community. Alvino is a great example!

The past few years Alvino started volunteering at our Spring and Summer Nikos’ Camps. Camp Nikos serves inner-city children ages 6-11. Many of these children live in the same low-income apartment communities as Alvino and other FUZE youth. Volunteering for Camp Nikos isn’t just a way to train them up with leadership skills, but it empowers them to lead children from their community. It also gives the children hope to see older kids serve in a leadership capacity. Your prayers and financial support allow us to grow the next generation of leaders like Alvino!
Our next Youth Leadership Camp is June 27th-30th, and we are in need of camp sponsors to invest in youth like Alvino. The cost for our camps is $375, and covers the entire week of lodging, food, transportation, bedding, supplies, Bibles, and other costs. Your support of the Nikos Camping Ministry allows us to invest into the lives of children from age 6 all the way to 18.
Thank you for your generous giving and ongoing support of Mission: Possible! Austin and our Nikos Camping Ministry